Djeco’s art range is outstanding. The colours are bright, the quality is high and they all inspire joy in creating. One of my favourite products in their range is the Gel Pastel. Encased in lipstick-style plastic tubes are thick, colourful pastels which make for the most stunning art due to their beautiful, bold, saturated colour. My daughter, Milla, has been using them for about a year now and I definitely think they are a toddler winner. She likes them as they are easy to use and there is the instant satisfaction of high intensity colour. One word of warning I would give is to cover clothes and make sure you are using them at the table under supervision. Washable is not one of their best qualities especially when it comes to rugs…
Available from Tickety Boo! in either pink or blue box for £8.95. Personally I don’t think one box or another is particularly ‘aimed’ at boys or girls. Both have different colours, the pink box featuring a nice Caucasian skin tone.
Age 3+
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