For those of you who are organised collectors of mementos (ours are organised in a highly disorganised fashion…), it’s definitely worthwhile checking out Boutique To You’s new arrival, the Baby Keepsake Box – deluxe version.
As its name suggests, it’s a large storage unit especially made for all of those wonderful mementos that you start collecting as soon as a baby arrives.
It’s got lots (and I mean LOTS) of compartments, plus the top has three little boxes for baby’s first tooth, curl, and hospital bracelet. There’s a see-through plastic wallet which could hold the birth certificate, and the drop down front has a family tree for recording your baby’s family connections.
There’s a lot to this box and I can see it turning up at many a baby shower and christening. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that they introduce more colours to the range because I think the idea’s a keeper!
£29.99 from Boutique To You
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