Well with just under four weeks to go till ‘baby 2’s arrival, every week (unless I pop suddenly although I wouldn’t hold your breath with my track record), I shall be sharing my preparations (read shopping exploits and pawing at virtual windows like a junkie) and what’s happening as I’ve had a lot of people asking what I’m buying and what I’ve been doing.
Brenda asked me about ten days ago if I had my hospital bag packed whilst we were yapping on the phone. Cue tumbleweeds and my mind went blank. Hospital bag? I thought. What the frick is she…oh my God! I need a hospital bag! and I felt a bit morto that I hadn’t so much as thought about it! How different things are when it’s second time round! Natasha Kaplinsky I ain’t, so I’m not expecting to be gifted with a Huddle & Bliss’ 48 Hour Bag which is a prepacked hospital bag (pictured) that costs £425! Ten days on and if one more person asks me, I may spontaneously combust (or go into labour) so by the time you all read this, I will have dragged my aching self to Boots and clicked the necessary order buttons for my ‘necessities’.
Now you know I’m an everything but the kitchen sink kind of girl and last time round, I had enough skincare goods to cover a ward… In my quest to learn how to behave myself and economise, I shall pack my mini Dr Hauschka skincare kit (pictured left £14.68 for either dry skin or oily skin), some minis from my Sanctuary kit that a friend gave me (scarily handy), and lip gloss (probably a Juicy Tube or Kiehls). Oh and Mitchum deodorant which I highly recommend any pregnant woman or mum who has suddenly developed Sweaty Betty-Itis gets their mitts on pronto – it’s brilliant!
My PJ’s were all bought for me by my ma when she went to Dubai before Christmas from this brilliant store, Women’s Secret. I have a beautiful quilted ‘bed jacket’ in soft cotton with a delicate flower print which I intend to greet visitors in plus a couple of sets of scrumptious PJ’s and in the meantime I’ll hustle the bro into buying some before he comes home for the birth…
I need to go to M&S to get remeasured for a nursing bra as my boobs seem to be bigger this time (heaven help me). Trouble is I’ve been on bed rest for a couple of weeks (pelvic and back pain from carrying low and being totally out to the front with not enough meat on me plus anaemia), so the boyf is taking me there this week. I have remembered that I don’t need to take my bra off this time…
I shall ‘invest’ in some slinky numbers such as the one pictured by Hot Milk (around £33 at the likes of Figleaves and ASOS) which aside from looking good, also has six hooks for adjusting which means you can really find your comfort level. Trusty ‘ole M&S, whilst they don’t revolutionise the wheel on the style or slink-o-meter, they do very good comfortable basic nursing bras for between £20-£25 for a two pack (I have an old one on now…). I’d also like to check out Elle McPherson’s Intimates range. If you’re on a serious budget, you can’t beat Primark for a bargain nursing bra although you may question the ethics. I also highly recommend that you check sale sections on maternity websites as you can pick up some serious bargains if you have the patience to pretend that the internet is one giant TK Maxx…
I have a Femme Tens Machine already from last time round which whilst helpful, didn’t stop me for begging for gas and air and the class A pregnancy drugs fairly sharpish… You can buy one for £39.95 (normally £59.95) at Mums the Word or better still hire or borrow one from a mate – you can hire from places like Boots although you do need to book up in advance. Babycentre have a good, simple lowdown on Tens Machines.
I’ve got Lansinoh Lanolin Nipple Cream from last time round which is still good to go and highly recommended. Despite the much thicker consistency than Vaseline, it’s well worth the £9.50 for the tube because I have no idea how it does it, but cracked nipples are no more with this stuff.
I shall be dragging myself to Boots for the boring necessities like maternity pads and paper knickers that feel like the dodge toilet paper they gave us in school, but I do personally feel that the best route is to bring some knickers that you don’t care about because they’re more comfortable and you can throw them away after – think of it like an opportunity to clear out some dodgy stragglers from your knicker drawer…

The one thing I’m not sure exactly what I’ll be packing is the clothing for ‘baby 2’. The trip to go bra shopping also includes some other errands like stopping in PO.P (Polarn O.Pyret) to get some special sleepsuits as I am a firm believer that baby 2 must not start life in any hand me downs. I’m thinking though that they’d also look oh so cool in one of these “Squid” Newborn Sleep Sack by Shampoodle, pictured above, £24.
Kat wrote a post a few months back about a store called Is Your Bag Packed which I shall be perusing as it’s a one stop shop for everything you need to go into your a hospital bag. They also hire out Tens Machines. Another store is Little Arrival Bag plus you can also shop around for pre-packed hospital bags that cost less than £425! AOL has a pretty decent list although I’ve noticed no two read the same – we must compile one here for BG – watch out!
I won’t bringing my Nintendo DS Lite or ipod like I did the last time although I will bring my Kakuro book (been addicted since first pregnancy) and depending on whether I end up with a slice and dice again or manage to have a natural birth, I know I’ll end up with a load of magazines from people (like I have that type of time to read!) Oh and I’ll need some slippers – the hot pink sequinned and embroidered leather ones from Morroco had to head for the bin when my waters broke the last time and I exploded like one of those fire hydrants you see in American films, shooting in all directions…

My only concern now is food because I’m in a different hospital this time and I saw a notice about no food and I lived on M&S at the previous hospital. Actually reading this post back to myself, I’m not sure I’ll be travelling that lightly….
Oh and of course, what shall I be packing my gear in? My Dante Beatrix Pouf Bag (£178 and available exclusively from Just Gorgeous) which has been gagging to be used. It’s got an impressive amount of space so let’s hope that with the new economical me, I can manage to pack everything in it. I’ll let you know how that Crystal Maze challenge goes…
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