After another tip off from BG reader Claire, we’ve been checking out a few free app’s with the first being Hatch! by Phodder, a simple game where you have to tap the egg to hatch the creature. Aimed at under 3’s, It’s quite intuitive so your toddler will be drawn to tap on the egg and then repeat the tapping once they realise what’s happening. They then tap on ‘new egg’ each time an animal friend is ‘hatched’ (think an elephant, duck, and a slightly demented looking bat, amongst others) and it’s all round good fun. Should the ‘boing’ noise grate on you at the big reveal, you can always mute it in the settings. It doesn’t have the finesse of the beautiful graphics and story feel of Peekaboo Farm and Peekaboo Wild, but hell, it’s free, it’s simple, and it’s fun!
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