Something a little different today, we want to introduce you to I am Super Capes, a fabulous set up which sends capes to children around the world to make them feel like superheros. The charities supported are varied – from a group of volunteers who support asylum seekers and refugees in the Southampton area to The Red Cross Children’s Hospital in Cape Town. Every child deserves to be a superhero, no matter who they are, where they live, whatever they are going through. They deserve the right to be a child and to have some time to get away from the stress of their situation.
How You Can Help
Source fabric and send it to I am Supercapes. This could be fabric from purchased from a store or clean and in good condition duvets covers, curtains, sheets etc. As these are going to children, the brighter and happier, the better. Postal addresses can be found here.
Make capes. Templates can be downloaded and please ensure you use velcro on the neck straps.
Organise a sewing day/morning/evening.  Get in touch with I am Supercapes for help and fabric sourcing.
Donate. Donations help with the purchase of fabric, cotton and threads for the capes. Details can be found on their website.
This is on our list to do this summer!
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