Lola loves rainbows. She’s amazed by them and they are currently her ‘thing’ to draw. I know she would love a nightlight that throws a rainbow across the room, so I am going to order one of these and make it her gift from the baby when he arrives (yes, it’s a little boy, so am loving Lu’s hot shop spot on Wednesday!). This light projector uses multi-coloured LEDs in the arc which shine on to a reflective surface which in turn beams rainbow colours on to walls and ceilings in a darkened room. The light has 2 modes, one which turns the whole multicoloured light show on at once and the other which fades the rainbow in and out. It also has an auto off setting, so is perfect for bedtime. £17.63, from Brainstorm Toys on Amazon. I’ll let you know how we get on with it!
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