I’m becoming a bit obsessed by autumn winter clothing and I’m discovering that much as I love summer, I really love winter clothing with my latest fixation being boots and shoes. OK well everything really…
I’m not exactly the traipsing around in the rain sort yet I really love kids wellies and my lastest find are the Aigle wellies at Elias and Grace. They come in yellow, khaki, pink, and blue and they achieve the great feat of making wellies look chic. They start from European size 19 through to 32 and are £20 each.
They have a fab range of Pepe boots (Pepe remind me of being a teenager) and shoes with my favourite being these vanilla full length boots. Bang on trend with a hint of biker, they’re made from 100% leather (uppers) and are a really versatile buy that will look great with dresses, skirts, leggings, or under trousers and jeans – but hey, why hide them away? The don’t come cheap though at £88 each but being this versatile, they’ll get worn to death over the season as long as their feet don’t grow too quickly! They have an ankle version for boys which start at £76. Both start from Euro size 22 through to 34.
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