‘Baby 2’, who has since been named ‘Nia Marli‘ is finally here!
Born on Friday 17th April at 3.44pm by c-section, she weighed 7lbs 8oz and arrived to the sound of the surgeons chilled out Ibiza playlist – it had originally been Bob Marley so not sure what happened there… As it was an elective in the end (long story), the recovery so far has been far better than first time round when I had an emergency c-section and we’ve all been sleeping and lazing around a lot when we haven’t got visitors.
Saria (The Bambino) 22.5 months, is quite enamoured with her although she’s ensuring that no-one forgets who she is by doing attention seeking stunts like stripping off and strolling in with a potty, plomping herself on it and yelling ‘I DID IT! I DID IT!’ just as I’m changing Nia.
Nia is an absolute delight and we’re madly in love all over again and loving being a family of four. She’s quiet but sparky and super alert when she drags herself from sleeping, my boob (they’re so big I look ridiculous) , and eating her fingers.
We’ve had a lot of questions about the hat which also became the talk of the maternity unit – It’s by Polarn O.Pyret and was actually a purchase by the boyf! The playmat/blanket is by Katvig.
Thanks for the well wishes on Twitter, Facebook, email and more and also thanks (already) for some of the lovely thoughtful gifts that have arrived!
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