We seriously heart Usborne sticker books which saw us through 8 flights on our recently holiday to the US. Themed, enthralling for kids, and educational too, I wasted no time getting the Starting School version which helps to build conversations around the imminent Big Day and make links between their own concepts of what’s happening. £3.44 Amazon.
![I am Too Absolutely Small for School (Charlie and Lola) [Paperback]](http://www.bambinogoodies.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/skitched-20110817-132433.jpg)
We love Charlie and Lola in our house (we’ve seen the play twice) and who better to put her own spin on it and capture the mindset and imagination of kids than a reluctant Lola in ‘I am absolutely too small for school’ (Lauren Child, Orchard). Great for discussing any fears they have about school and also finding the humour and excitement in it. RRP £6.99 (Amazon £4.89).

For a nostalgic feel with updated illustrations, look no further than Topsy and Tim Start School (Jean and Gareth Adamson, Ladybird). Striking a balanced tone of trepidation, building excitement and curiosity, I think this is particularly good for when they’re about to start and then have started doing their half days. RRP £4.99 (£3.71 Amazon)

My friend’s daughter is dinosaur crazy and loves Harry and the Dinosaurs go to School (Ian Whybrow, Puffin). He’s uncertain about school when he doesn’t have his bucket of dinosaurs in class, but they come to the rescue and he makes a new friend as well. RRP £6.99 (£4.43 Amazon)

And for you…The Starting School Survival Guide (Sarah Ebner, White Ladder Press) which I featured last week. This will help calm your anxieties, throw light on things you had questions about, and kickstart your preparation. RRP £10.99 (£6.30 Amazon)
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