It's been a while since we did a general round up of great children's books, so here you go. Hopefully something for all ages and interests. Watch out for our Empowering Reads for Boys (and Girls) coming soon and do share your current favourite bedtime stories.

Kindness Rules! by Eunice and Sabrina Moyle
(Abrams Appleseed, RRP £6.99)
We are huge fans of Hello!Lucky's letterpress stationery, so it's little surprise we are loving their board books. This one is a riot of colour and rhyme and looks at why manners are important.

A Thank You Walk by Nancy Loewen
(Words & Pictures, RRP £9.99)
Another book for toddlers aiming to help develop their emotional intelligence – this one explores gratitude by looking at all the things to be thanked and thankful for on a walk in the country.

Fly Flies by Ziggy Hanaor
(Cicada, RRP £9.95)
Sweet story about a fly who gets tired of being told what to do and decides to follow his own path. Monochrome illustrations (with occasional pops of yellow) ensure the littlest readers will engage.

Discovering Architecture by Eduard Altarriba
(Button Books, RRP £12.99)
All things architectural, from details (arches, columns, domes) to iconic buildings (Sydney Opera House, the Gherkin, the Guggenheim) and famous architects (Le Corbusier, Gaudi, Van der Rohe).

A Taste of the World by Beth Walrond
(Little Gestalten, RRP £19.95)
Beautifully illustrated book exploring gastronomic delights and traditions around the globe and examining the importance of food at celebrations such as Thanksgiving and Chinese New Year.

A Book About Whales by Andrea Antinori
(Abrams, RRP £11.99)
A gorgeous black and white illustrated celebration of everything cetacean – learn how to identify the different types of whale, find out what and how they eat, how big they are and where they live.

Ada Twist and the Perilous Pantaloons by Andrea Beaty (Abrams, RRP £8.99)
Kitty loves The Questioneers books – the latest sees budding scientist Ada team up with her pals Rosie Revere and Iggy Peck to help out her Uncle Ned, whose helium pantaloons have gone rogue.

The Everyday Journeys of Ordinary Things by Libby Deutsch (Ivy Kids, RRP £12.99)
If you have a 'Why?' child, this is the book for them – it follows the fascinating, and sometimes surprising paths of a plethora of everyday items, such as paper, clothes, food and, inevitably, poo.

Wild Things by Fiona Danks and Jo Schofield
(Lonely Planet, RRP £12.99)
This is right up our street: a book encouraging kids outside. Jam packed with nature-based activities, such as weaving willow wings, using tree stumps as cauldrons and tracking nocturnal animals.

Galloglass by Scarlett Thomas
(Canongate, RRP £12.99)
One for the older children. Alfie has been waiting patiently for the final instalment of Thomas's Worldquake series to find out what happens to Effie Truelove and her pals. No spoilers, but it's great.
Have we missed a great, practical gift? What were you gifted and loved? Let us know in the comments, on Facebook, email us on or find us on Instagram as @bambinogoodies.
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