What would we do without activity books? The saviour of many a family meal out/childcare fail business meeting. They also make fantastic gifts - here are ten rather marvellous ones for your Christmas consideration.

Read All About It by Alice Bowsher
(Cicada, RRP £12.95)
(Cicada, RRP £12.95)

20 Ways to Draw Everything by Lisa Congdon (Quarry Books, RRP £14.99)

Moomin Colouring Book
(Macmillan, RRP £10)
(Macmillan, RRP £10)

Sticker, Shape, Create by Tereza Rowe
(Ivy Press, RRP £8.99)
(Ivy Press, RRP £8.99)

DIY ABC by Eleonora Marton
(Cicada, RRP £12.95)
(Cicada, RRP £12.95)

V&A Fashion Mash-up by Daisy De Villeneuve (Penguin, RRP £17.99)

The Wild Swans Colouring Book
(Pushkin Children's, RRP £9.99)
(Pushkin Children's, RRP £9.99)

This Book Thinks You're a Scientist (Thames & Hudson, RRP £8.95)

New York Activity Book by Esther Coombs (Button Books, RRP £9.99)

The Arty Book by Nikalas Catlow and David Sinden (Bloomsbury, RRP £9.99)
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